Amanda Cade

Worth It! (Things to try, read, watch, hear, and discuss)

I started my blog just over a year ago (and I still can’t believe it’s been a year already), so shortly after I got going I started seeing lots of Blogmas posts. The challenge, I soon learned, was to post every day from December 1 to December 25. I knew there was no way I was ready for something like that, but I read tons of Blogmas posts and discovered a lot of great blogs via the tag. This time last year, I figured that within a year I’d be posting a lot more than once a week, and that I’d be totally ready to give Blogmas a try. If you’re a regular reader, you already know that I never did get around to increasing my post frequency (life has just been too busy for me to get there at this point). So I decided against trying Blogmas this year…until this morning.

Seeing “December 1” on my calendar today immediately reminded me of Blogmas, and so I decided to take a few minutes to really think about the reasons I had chosen not to participate, and if the obstacles could be overcome. In the end, I realized I can do this. Or at least I’m going to try. It occurred to me that many of the things that made me hesitate to accept the Blogmas challenge apply to lots of other situations. So if you’re thinking about trying something new, here are some things to consider:

You don’t have to be perfect.

approvedOne of the reasons I don’t post more often is that I have pretty high standards for my posts, so they take a lot of time to write. I have a mental checklist that includes length, applicability, number of subtopics, and lots of other criteria. I think the list really improves my posts’ quality, and I plan to keep it around. However, there is absolutely no way I could write those kinds of posts for 25 straight days, especially since I did absolutely no prep work for this challenge. However, who says I have to do that? A lot of blogs I follow have short posts, and I enjoy reading them. If I’m planning to do six extra posts every week, there’s no reason they can’t be smaller, more focused things that I actually have time to write. I could even repost some of my holiday themed posts from last year if I hit a time crunch. This train of thought reminded me of one of my rules of productivity: avoid perfectionism traps by determining a minimum acceptable outcome.

Wanting to do something is a good reason to try it.

goalsI originally took Blogmas off my to do list when the sky fell in at work a few weeks back. With so many things I have to do right now, I put a lot of things I want to do on the back burner. I’m all about priorities, but a blanket rejection of the fun in favor of the practical isn’t always the best call. I was excited (and a little nervous) about trying Blogmas, and that’s enough of a reason to give it a go. Even if I don’t complete the challenge, every extra post I complete will be a small victory.

You can do new things your own way.

you do youOne of my major concerns about Blogmas was the challenge of coming up with 25 holiday themed posts. Then I thought, “Wait a minute-do they really have to all be holiday themed? Is that a rule? Are there Blog Police who will come after me if I post about something else?” As far as my research shows, there are no official Blog Police (and isn’t that a relief?), and a lot of bloggers have said that it’s cool to post about other things. Besides, although I feel better that people have “given me permission” to participate through non-holiday content, it would be ok regardless, because it’s totally cool to be flexible when you try something new. My focus on Blogmas is posting for 25 straight days, and so that’s my ultimate goal, regardless of the topics of the posts. Speaking of doing things my own way, one of the things that really tipped me into the “yes” column was an idea for a theme that could tie a lot of my posts together, and help me get past the dreaded writer’s block. More about that coming soon (probably Tuesday).

It’s ok to not succeed 100%.

oopsI don’t like making commitments and not following through, and I was really worried that saying “I’m going to do Blogmas!” and then not getting up all 25 posts would be a terrible tragedy. Then I hit the reality check button. For one thing, it wouldn’t be the first time I had to break a personal blogging promise. Early in my blogging experience, I promised myself that I would post at least once a week, and that I would be consistent with my “month in review” posts. Well, month in review is something I haven’t done in a little while, and back in September I actually missed a weekly post. You know what I discovered? Not only did I sneak past the Blog Police, but I didn’t even feel guilty about it. Overall, I think I’ve done very well with being consistent on the blog, and a few lapses because life got in the way are completely acceptable. On a philosophical level, I can’t get behind the idea that I shouldn’t try just because I might not make it all the way to the finish line. Goodness knows, I’ve tried and failed before…let’s not forget about my experience during The Great Blogger’s Bakeoff.

So for the next 25 days, be prepared for a lot more Amanda! (Be afraid…be very afraid.)

let's do this.png

Anyone else trying Blogmas? Or accepting other challenges? Any advice for me as I prepare to massively ramp up my posting schedule?

37 thoughts on “Worth Trying: Consider Accepting a Challenge (Blogmas Day 1)

  1. Just do it! Post whatever you want to. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      That’s the plan! I’m actually really excited, and so glad I pushed myself into committing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am going to try to. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. alexraphael says:

    Bring it on! I can’t get enough of blogging Amanda.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Linnea Blogs Her Way! says:

    Hey…rules are made to be broken! Do what you want or don’t want! I failed at Blogmas last year. But I’m trying again this year simply because I love writing and I love a good challenge lol. However, it won’t be all holiday themed. Hopefully, I’ll get to Day 25.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Linnea Blogs Her Way! says:

        Thanks!! 😀❤️

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t have the free time to do anything that regularly 🙈

    If I were to do it, I’d cheat and write posts throughout the year and schedule them for each day haha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      That was my original plan…but since I didn’t do that I’m going to have to find the time. I’m excited about the challenge.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. fakeflamenco says:

    I bet writing every day will feel good. I like the post suggestions on Renard’s World.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      I’m going to have to take a look at those.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Shell Vera says:

    I have never heard of Blogmas! Thanks for sharing this idea and challenge Amanda. Now I know to look at it so I can find some new blogs to read.

    I agree with you that not every post has to be long and thought out to a level of perfection. When I felt that way, I seldom blogged. But since I have allowed myself to just blog and publish, I’m sure my quality has decreased a bit but my followers and engagement have increased. I learned that people are interested in reading what we have, especially this time of year when it comes to ideas for the holiday and what is fun around the net or for family ideas and holiday traditions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      I had so much fun last year just searching the Blogmas tag and seeing what everyone was posting, so I’m excited that it’s gearing up again. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Shell Vera says:

        Definitely going to check it out Tuesday and Wednesday!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. The Eclectic Contrarian says:

    Honestly, I’ve actually kind of wanted more Amanda lol!! I mean, looking forward to every Sunday to hear from you is exciting… but I’m always interested in what you’re up to.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      I hope you enjoy. 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The Eclectic Contrarian says:

        I’m sure I will!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Amanda I’ve been blogging here since 2010 and for the first few years after I got started blogged everyday. I’ve gone through several blogging schedules for various reasons, mostly because of my full time work schedule. Just go with the flow… I have found that your true followers are fine with what works for you because of the quality of your posts😀👍🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      Working around the work schedule is definitely a challenge.


  9. I absolutely love this!! You will love Blogmas!🎅🏽🎄 I do it 12 Days of Christmas style! So I pick 12 festive topics and then spread them out over the whole month of December. I have a page on my blog dedicated to all my prior Blogmas topics, if you’d want to check it out for ideas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      Definitely! 🎄🎄

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  10. I’m very much looking forward to this! As someone who posts everyday, let me just say that I believe you can do it.🎅🎄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      Thank you! I just need to remember that every post counts, even if it’s short.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Dawn Hensley says:

    Get it girl!!! You have cheerleaders out here who believe in you (and will totally co-sign any reason you give if you can’t get all 25 days).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      Thanks so much for the support, Dawn. 💕


  12. doriankgray says:

    I’m the worst at being consistant and I’m definitely not a perfectionist, but I figured why not challenge myself to at least try.
    I love your take on Blogmas and hope you have fun with it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      I’m enjoying it so far. I think that deciding on shorter posts during the week was the right call.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Sarah-Jayne says:

    I love this – especially the doesn’t have to be perfect part. I took part in Blogmas last year with an Elf on the Shelf horror story. People loved it but it was a lot of pressure. This year, I’ve upped the anti and am making a stalker horror around baubles 🎄 Im loving it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      That’s a really cool way to approach the challenge.


  14. sweetrose2 says:

    This year is my first trial. Doing 10 days to 25….. Hooing to do it daily

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amanda Cade says:

      Good for you! I hope you’re having as much fun as I am. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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